2021 Labor & Employment Seminar | Tulsa
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 | Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center
8:00-8:30 a.m. | Registration & Breakfast
8:30-8:35 | Welcome/Announcements
8:35-9:30 a.m. | Setting Up Camp in the FMLA Forest
Participants will examine fact patterns based on real-life FMLA cases over the past few years where the employer may or may not have failed to recognize their FMLA obligations. Employers will learn about pre-eligibility requests for FMLA leave, how the nature of your business could impact an employee’s eligibility, an employer’s potential FMLA duties after purchasing an existing company, what amount of knowledge of an employee’s medical condition and absence triggers the employer’s notice requirements and conditions employers can set on employees for requesting FMLA leave.
Mary P. Snyder and Jaycee Booth
9:30-10:20 a.m. | Is that Is That a Wolf in Grandma’s Clothing? Factors That Distinguish Employees from Independent Contractors
With different tests and regulations in each state and each federal agency, determining who can be engaged as an independent contractor and who must be employed can be challenging. This session will explore the various factors used by state and federal agencies to assess contractor versus employee status, as well as the risks and potential consequences of misclassification.
Michael W. Bowling
10:20-10:30 a.m. | Break
10:30-11:20 a.m. | Take a Guided Tour through the ADA Interactive Process without Getting Lost
A trail guide will lead attendees down a rugged hiking trail complete with real-life scenarios while on the lookout for herds of accommodation requests. Will the guests end up somewhere off the beaten path or on top of the mountain? Thankfully the guide, a licensed employment law attorney, will steer attendees towards compliance with a step-by-step interactive process map. Attendees will exit the trail with a renewed perspective and ready to face their next adventure.
Tanya S. Bryant
11:20 a.m.-12:10 p.m. | How to Avoid Getting Trapped in the Wilderness of Never-Ending Government Audits
Learn how to prepare for a cadre of government audits such as I-9, U.S. Department of Labor wage and hour audits, EEOC as well as OSHA audits. Following a review of the law and best practices, this session will become interactive with exciting problem-solving scenarios.
Michael R. Pacewicz and Madalene A.B. Witterholt
12:10-1:00 p.m. | Lunch | Facing the Rapids: Employees are the Key to your Cybersecurity or Cyber Insecurity
Human error is the number one cause of data breaches, and researchers at Stanford University have found that employee mistakes cause almost 88% of data breaches. These mistakes can cost companies millions, with the average total of a data breach reaching $3.86 million. This presentation will explore the role employees play in breaches, examine high-profile examples and then outline how employers can reduce risks and make employees their greatest cyber defenders.
Anthony Hendricks, Chair of the Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Practice Group
1:00-1:50 p.m. | S’more Gameshow, Anyone?
The Crowe & Dunlevy Gameshow is back! Attendees will be challenged to apply knowledge and understanding of workplace laws to real-life scenarios drawn from cases. With the guidance of host Randall J. Snapp, the audience will take away practical lessons about how to manage difficult, daily employment situations that will help companies avoid issues and liability.
Randall J. Snapp
1:50-2:40 p.m. | Mapping Out Restrictive Covenants: Why It’s Important to Get Them Right
Attendees will be shown the lay of the land of non-compete and non-solicitation agreements. The session includes an overview of potential changes to this area of the law under the Biden administration and timely examples of what can happen when restrictive covenants miss the mark.
Allen L. Hutson and Caroline G. Lindemuth
2:40-2:50 p.m. | Break
2:50-3:40 p.m. | You Must be Fully Vaccinated to go on this Camping Adventure! An Update on COVID-19 Employment Law Issues
In this presentation audience members will receive the latest updates on evolving legislation, regulatory guidance and hot topics keeping human resources professionals up at night. From updates on the enforceability of mandatory vaccine programs, to previews of federal and state legislation regarding the fate of extended FFCRA leave and COBRA subsidies, as well the latest and greatest on the new Delta variants and its impact on workplace policies regarding masking, social distancing and tele-work, audience members will walk away with all the COVID-19 employment law information needed to run a safe workplace.
Adam W. Childers
3:45 p.m. | Closing Remarks