The Litigation Counsel of America (LCA) recently named Crowe & Dunlevy attorneys Kevin D. Gordon, Mack J. Morgan III, Judy Hamilton Morse, Terry M. Thomas and John M. Thompson as senior fellows, and attorney Brooke S. Murphy is a fellow. The LCA, an invitation-only trial lawyer honorary society, is composed of 3,500 fellows nationwide.
“Crowe & Dunlevy has a strong representation in the LCA,” said Gordon, president and CEO of the firm. “Our Litigation & Trial Practice Group comprises approximately one-half of our attorneys and includes almost all types of litigation. This selection by the LCA further solidifies our group’s reputation as one of the best in this field.”
Fellowship in the LCA is highly selective and by invitation only. Fellows are selected based on excellence and accomplishment in litigation, both at the trial and appellate levels, and superior ethical reputation. Senior fellow status in the society is reserved for advanced commitment to and support of the LCA, Diversity Law Institute and Trial Law Institute.
About The Litigation Counsel of America
The Litigation Counsel of America (LCA) is aggressively diverse in its composition. Established as a trial and appellate lawyer honorary society reflecting the American bar in the twenty-first century, the LCA represents the best in law among its membership. The number of fellowships has been kept at an exclusive limit by design, allowing qualifications, diversity and inclusion to align effectively, with recognition of excellence in litigation across all segments of the bar. Fellows are generally at the partner or shareholder level, or are independent practitioners with recognized experience and accomplishment. In addition, the LCA is dedicated to promoting superior advocacy, professionalism and ethical standards among its fellows.