In this continuously-changing employment landscape we find ourselves in, we’re committed to helping you understand and break down the latest changes in U.S. labor laws. We invite you to take a few minutes to watch our COVID-19 Weekly Recap for Employers with Mary P. Snyder.
Highlights include:
- New Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) regulations released April 1, 2020, and what we’re doing to help you gain a better understanding of its impact on employers
- Links to online governmental resources available from the:
- FFCRA Virtual Panel Part II: The Regulations—set to be released on Friday, April 3, 2020, a recorded panel featuring Oklahoma Human Resources (OKHR) State Director Mike Shaw and members of the Labor & Employment Practice Group will discuss a number of the new regulations
- COVID-19 Resource Center—Not mentioned in the video, Crowe & Dunlevy’s hub for all firm COVID-19 media and advisories is available for individuals and businesses to utilize
View the COVID-19 Weekly Recap for Employers.